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This is all of my headcanons neatly organized for you to understand, follow, and find where they are discussed in the stories I have already written (The Libero Trilogy, Spurius, Illicitus). So, as you read the stories and need to be reminded of certain headcanons of mine, just check out here.

I shall put them in a specific order so that it's easier to navigate. I will keep character bios/history at the end to protect you from spoilers. :)

First - I'll have the headcanon of how they reproduce and raise their young.

Second - Seeker Culture and facts regarding genetics and everything else Seeker related.

Third - The history and bios of canon characters and what I made their past and relationship with others.

Fourth - OCs' history and bios.

Fifth - Extra notes.

Sixth - Seeker vows.

Seventh - Bios for A Prince of Vos and King of Ash.

Here we go!

🔴 Cybertronian Reproduction

Cybertronian Reproduction:


(Explanation if this is also given in chapter 5 of Illicitus. Explains more of how interface feels.)

Cybertronian reproduce similar to mammals. Mechs possess a spike (penis) and a valve (vagina). Femmes only possess a valve. The spike and valve are protected under fold away "lids" that move at either the command of the owner or when aroused. Over them is the codpiece, which can fold away on command or when aroused. A spike looks more like a shaft, like most mammalian penises on Earth, with a slight "mushroom head" at the tip. The valve is a circular opening with almost a rubber-like material around it to allow a spike to enter without scraping. At the tip of the valve on the outside is a large sensory node, similar to a clitoris, that is sensitive to touch. Rubbing this can produce arousal in the valve and be used for valve masturbation.

Depending on how a mech is turned on, their spike may harden or valve lubricate. Transfluid (cum) is energon and oil based, being leaked out from the valve to make it easier for the spike to move in and out of it. The spike also produces it's own transfluid (semen) to be released out of it when ejaculating.

Similar to organics, the valve has many sensory nodes inside of it to feel everything, and a "G-spot." This creates pleasure and a wonderful sensation to the Cybertronian being spiked (penetrated). The spike also contains sensory nodes on it to feel pleasure when being stroked or moving inside of a valve. Sending electrical currents into transformation seams and sensitive body parts can also sexually pleasure a Cybertronian.

The spike enters the valve, and the mech humps the other until they ejaculate, releasing nanites (sperm) into the valve's line (cervix). The nanites travel into the gestation tank (uterus) where they interact with the gestation nanites (eggs). They connect to each other and begin to form a protoform (fetus) which grows inside of the gestation tank for a stellar cycle (7.5 months).

The protoform floats inside of the gestation tank in an energon based fluid keeping it from slamming around while inside and keeping it warm. There are wires connected to the protoform acting as umbilical cords, giving it all the energon it requires to grow.

The carrier (mother) ingests carrier additives which is simply a special kind of metal ground up into a powder. Usually taken in energon, this powder is pumped from the carrier's fuel tank and into the gestation tank. It then fuses to the protoform to begin to grow, developing the inside and outside of the frame (body). If the carrier does not take the additives, then their systems will take metal from their body to make the protoform, which harms the carrier. Carriers may also chew on sheets of metal rather than consume the ground up additives.

A protoform can only form if there is a spark bond between the two mating Cybertronians. A spark bond happens when two mating Cybertronians remove their chest plates and allow their sparks to exchange CNA (DNA) and coding between each other. Spark bonds usually happen during a shared overload (orgasm), but sometimes can be achieved without even interfacing. In order to be successful, the spark bonding and connecting of nanites must happen simultaneously in order for a protoform to begin to form. It is this reason why Cybertronians who wish to reproduce must interface quite a bit to ensure that the delicate timing of spark bonding and nanite connecting happens at the exact time. Even a few astroseconds off can lead to the carrier's spark rejecting a newly formed spark and thus ending the carrying before it even has a chance to begin.

It is possible for the nanites of one mech to form a fetus and the spark bond from another mech to form the sparkling's spark. This is very rare and can only happen under double penetration with spark bonding, or one mech spiking while another engages in spark bonding precisely at the same time the other mech ejaculates.

A carrying Cybertronian experiences many of the same complications as an organic. Sore backstrut (spine), peds (feet), weariness, depression, morning sickness, heat waves, helmaches (headaches), odd cravings, mood swings, and programming getting "out of wrack." Postpartum depression and other mental issues are also possible for them to develop during and after the carrying.

While carrying, the sparkling's spark grows inside of the carrier's spark chamber, feeding off the carrier's spark. It is sustained by the carrier's spark, and has a special bond with the carrier. While still inside the carrier, the sparkling will begin to recognize their carrier's vocalizer, some words, and begins the bonding process. In the first orn, the spark may split once or more times. This creates twins or however many sparklings that the spark splits into. The gestation tank with them force the protoform to split to create more so that each spark will have a body.

The gestation tank cannot expand like a mammalian uterus due to being made of metal. It can fold out some, which causes the carrier to expand additional plating on their abdominal plates. This additional plating is produced by the metal the carrier is consuming for the protoform. The abdomen does not stretch out too much, just a slit bump. Enough to be noticeable if one looks for it, but otherwise isn't obvious. The gestation tank will be filled with the curled protoform as the carrying nears term, thus making bending and transformation impossible. The extra abdominal plating will remain after birth, and may be removed with surgery.

Just before labor begins, the spark of the protoform travels through a tube to enter the gestation tank. From there, it goes inside of the sparkling and labor begins. When giving birth, the protoform exits out of the gestation tank helm first. The wires disconnect from it as it is pushed out by the gestation tank moving the individual plates to push it along. It emerges helm first out of the valve, silver and the optics offline. Optics online three to five orbital cycles (days) after being born. The gestation tank empties itself of the fluids through the valve, during labor. The time period of labor differs, sometimes being only a breem to joors.

Once the sparkling is born, they begin to nurse and develop a bond with their carrier. A tube from the inside of the carrier's chest is given to the sparkling to nurse from. This small tube is located near the spark chamber and is connected to a small tank that produces weakened energon. Each Cybertronian possesses two of these tubes. The carrier continues to take the carrier additives, which are pumped into the tank for the weakened energon. This allows the sparkling to take in the metal to grow, while also refueling on energon that won't over energize their weak engines. They nurse multiple times an orbital cycle for the first few orns, gradually decreasing. When they are about five decacycles old they may begin to try regular energon, but will continue to nurse for almost two stellar cycles before being completely weaned.

Once weaned, they continue to retrieve their carrier addictives by adding it to their regular energon, while the carrier can cease taking it. The sparklings keep taking the additives until they stop growing at about seventeen to twenty stellar cycles.

Between one orbital cycle old to two stellar cycles old, creations are referred to as sparklings. Three stellar cycles to four they are toddlers. Five to twelve stellar cycles they are younglings. Thirteen to twenty-five stellar cycles they are adolescent. Older they are adults.

Overloads are the release of built up energy from interface. They can sometimes hurt, but usually if the Cybertronian is being forced to interface or not enjoying it. Overloads always occur. Unlike with organics who reach organism if they are turned on, overloads are simply from the surge of energy that always builds up. Some may take longer to build up enough excess energy to overload, such as larger Cybertronians. Some Cybertronians can't overload too many times in a single interface session due to the risk of overheating.

Cybertronians use protection by either disconnecting nanite wires from under a panel just above a mech's codpiece, or using a grounding. Disconnecting the nanite wires prevents an electrical surge from "onlining" the nanites, thus making them infertile. When activated with the electrical surge, they are active and can connect to gestation nanites. If self repairs activates around the nanite wires, they may reconnect, so constant checking of them before interface is necessary.

A grounding is a small device placed inside of a Cybertronian that pinches close the tube connecting the valve to the gestation tank, thus keeping nanites from going through it. They are easy to put in and remove.

There is also a nanite neutralizer which is placed over the nanite production unit of a gestation tank. This essentially "turns off" the gestation nanites in case spike nanites get through a grounding, or a grounding isn't used. This prevents gestation nanites from connecting with spike nanites.

A spark neutealizer prevents spark bonds. It is placed over a spark chamber and prevents spark energy from escaping fully. Only a portion of spark energy may leave from the person wearing it, allowing a small sparkbond, but not enough coding or energy to pass to create a new spark. This is visible whenever the chestplates are removed.

Another method is simply not to sparkbond, but it is safer to use the above methods just in case. Or, a spark grounding may be used to prevent a spark from surging energy into another spark, preventing a sparkbond. This is different from a spark neutralizer which still allows a sparkbond, just not a strong one.

Cybertronians can pass on ITVs (Interface Transmitted Virus) to each other through interface or energon mixing. Some ITVs may be minor, but many are deadly and can cause the spark to cease pulsating.

Sparklings can sometimes be born with mental or physical defects or mutations. Most physical mutations can be repaired. Sparks can die when inside of the carrier's spark chamber, thus killing the sparkling. Miscarriages and other complications can also occur. Cybertronians do have abortion methods, and can also perform C-sections.

Mates and Culture About Interface:

(Examples of Cybertronians joining can be found in chapter 17 of Ancillam, and chapters 13 and 15 of Invictus.)

Cybertronians will get mech-friends or femme-friends, dating them and getting to know them. When Cybertronians are betrothed, they are referred to as "mates." Mates usually have regular interface and may even begin to reproduce. When they join (marry) they become Conjunx Endura for life, unless they divorce.

The ceremony for joining usually has family members and friends of those joining gathered to watch. Someone that is an official or in some type of office tends to proceed the ceremony, but it can be anyone. They will address the crowd, then ask for the two joining to recite their vows to each other. After doing so, the two joining will use laser scalpels to write their designations on each other's sparkcasings, sealing that they belong to each other. They kiss and then there is partying afterwards to celebrate.

To grounders and most Cybertronians, interface is something to be kept behind closed doors. To Seekers, it can be done anywhere at anytime because it's a natural act. Schools have classes on interface to educate younglings regarding interface, protection, and sparkling development.

Brothels, prostitutes, porn, and other uses of interface is common with Cybertronians. Even rape. Cybertronians also make use of interface toys from dildos, string balls, vibrators, and other such items. Fetishes of all sorts are common in Cybertronian culture, from bondage, BDSM, gagging, blindfolding, pain play, energon play, emetophilia, rape play, and many others.

Changes in Body:

Body formatting and acquiring a new frame (body) is often performed on Cybertronians. When a Cybertronian is conceived, their CNA in their spark has coding that tell the protoform how to grow, just as DNA tells an organic body how to grow. So, a dog's DNA will have a dog be a canine species, and other codes in that DNA will make the dog be tall or short, long fur or short, brown or hazel eyes, etc. The coding in the spark, the CNA, will tell the protoform to be a Seeker, a tank, etc. The colored optics, the gender, the size, etc. And the spark is most comfortable with the body it first forms in (the protoform inside the same carrier that has the growing spark), or a body similar to it.

Due to this, a spark may be transplanted into another body if the original body is too damaged. A Seeker is severally injured, and their body put into a new Seeker body. Most of the time simply body parts and organs are rebuilt and surgically put onto the original body, but in extreme cases an entire new body is used.

Sometimes, a person may choose to get a body unlike their previous one, such as a flier being put into a grounder body. While the spark won't be as "satisfied" with this change since the coding is not the same as it's original body, it can work.

Formatting a body is when the protoform from the original body simply goes through changes on the outside. This is often called an upgrade. When newer technology is invented, the new coding that technology generates can be augmented into the CNA of a Cybertronian, altering the coding of their spark, and thus allowing their creations to have this upgrade. Hence how Seekers made themselves better warriors by changing their bodies over time. These upgrades may be small, such as simply better body armor, or cause the entire outside of the body to change.

Reformatting may also be taking a model and making them be another, similar model. Such as a flier becoming another type of flier. The protoform remains the same, but the outside of the body and even some organs are changed.


🔴 Mates and Culure About Interface
🔴 Changes in Body
⭕ Trining
⭕Outside Mating
⭕Raising Seekerlets
⭕Trine Bondng
⭕Dominance, Submission, and Discipline

Seeker Culture

(Best examples of Seeker culture from trining, how submissives and trineleaders live, punishments, raising young, burial, handling the dead, how the Alpha lives, how new Alphas take over, and everything about the Seeker culture is all seen and explained in "A Prince of Vos" and "A King of Ash.")

Seekers originally lived in trines that were used for the purpose of breeding. Over time, Seekers had to alter their CNA to adapt in the changing world. Seekers were seen as "low life" creatures and were often attacked. They changed their bodies to be more aerodynamic, altering their CNA to naturally pass the traits along. They become built for combat, speed, and the trine evolved to be a fighting unit.

Originally, the trine would be composed of one dominant mech and either two femmes, or a submissive mech and femme, or two submissive mechs. The submissive would be sparked by the dominant mech, and they would raise families like this. There was always the Alpha Seeker who ruled all Seekers, and in later years would be the one to lead them into battle.

Despite Seekers changing their frames and becoming centered around battle, there are many things that never changed for their culture. It is referred to as "traditionalism," and there are still many traditional Seekers and those who practice the old ways.

Seekers originally lived in the mountains where Vos would eventually be built. They dwelled in caves, where they raised and cared for their young, safe from grounders who could not scale the steep cliffs and high peaks of the mountain range. When Vos was built by early Seekers, the fliers began to leave their caves to instead live in houses, that over time turned into towers. And soon a large portion of the mountain range became the city of Vos, still surrounded by mountains, and dominated by a Seeker population.

The dead are very sacred to Seekers who are a warrior culture. Death is a big part of their life due to fighting, and being attacked often by non-Seekers. Due to this, Seekers are very strict where their dead are laid to rest and how.

Underneath the mountains where Seekers originated from is a long, extensive system of tunnels and small caverns making up the catacombs of the Seeker's burial grounds. The main opening to the catacombs is next to the palace and is guarded at all times. It is closed at night, and only open to Seekers, and those who have a Seeker friend with them.

The tunnel from the main entrance goes deep underground, and a few caverns are underneath Vos itself, but the majority are in the mountains, taking a bit to reach. The caverns serve as family plots, and entire trines with family members are buried in graves within each cavern. Each grave is dug into the rocky terrain, and the casket of the deceased Seeker laid within.

The caskets are often simple, maybe with writing from the family on it, or painted designs. Seekers lay the deceased within the casket, servos resting over each other placed upon the cockpit. Pictures of family members with the deceased are placed in the casket with the deceased, along with crystal flowers that are often the favorite color of that dead Seeker. Once the casket is placed into the tomb, more crystal flowers are thrown over it before being buried in stone, and often times concrete poured on top to keep grave robbers or desecraters from getting to the deceased.

A tombstone is placed over the grave, and if the family can afford it, a memorial statue of the deceased at the head of the grave.

Carriers who die with their small Seekerlets are placed in caskets together.

No matter where a Seeker perishes, their body is returned to Vos to be placed in the catacombs. Graves of ancient Seekers reside with the recently departed. Seekers have been using the catacombs for as long as they have existed in the mountains. And they have carved out new caverns as needed, but much of the catacombs is natural from ancient underground rivers that have since drained out of them.

There is another opening to the catacombs that is deep in the mountains. The catacombs extend for hundreds of miles. They are completely dark, and in much of it the air is stagnant from lack of airflow. Seekers maintain the catacombs, checking the structure and ensuring nothing is at risk of collapse. To ensure no one is ever lost, markers and signs line the walls, directing to grave sites and the way out.

Funeral services are held for the deceased where eulogies from family members are given and an open casket present for mourners to leave gifts and say final farewells. Gifts of crystal flowers, pictures, trinkets, and other items may be left at a grave from family members, friends, and supporters. Some ancient burial sites still have gifts left from descendents or those wanting to pay respect to the ancient Seekers.


(More information regarding trining in Spurius. Starscream explains in detail in chapter 2 and courting happens throughout story with trining in chapter 4.)

Seekers will trine other Seekers, first by courting. Courting is done when one Seeker approaches another and offers the second Seeker gifts, such as crystal flowers, energon treats, or other items. The courting Seeker will also touch the wings and frame of the Seeker being courted, even kissing them on the lip plates or offering themselves for interface, which is a more desperate approach. pinching wings, slapping afts, and groping codpieces is all natural. Courting Seekers will also stalk their potential trinemates, following them everywhere. They keep their wings spread, showing them off, and will often show off their skills in the sky or strength by flying around or doing difficult activities.

The Seeker being courted often rejects the other Seeker by punching them, chasing them off, or ignoring them. Tolerating and accepting gifts is a sign of interest, and allowing the courting Seeker to get bolder means they are heavily leaning on accepting them as a trinemate. Courting can take stellar cycles before a seeker accepts the other, and almost nothing can be said during it, just using body language to communicate, and maybe say a few things as to why they would make for a perfect trinemate.

A Seeker accepts a trinemate based on their looks, strength, flying skills , and if they are dominant or submissive. A trine should always have one dominant Seeker as trineleader and two submissives. This keeps the trine at peace when triinemates are not fighting their leader for dominance. If the Seekers are compatible flyers and meet all other requirements, they will trine.

Trining is often done by first dancing in the skies. They do this by flying wingtip to wingtip, making a triangle between them, if there are three. If two are trining to make a half trine, then they fly undercarriage to undercarriage, pressed against each other. The Seekers then spiral around, flying vertically, then diving down, then horizontally, never breaking formation of the spiral.

Once the dance is completed, the Seekers then interface with each other. After bonding, they recite their trine vows to each other. Then, they fight for dominance. The Seeker who defeats and dominates the other two is the trineleader, and remains unless challenged and defeated by a trinemate. The two trinemates then fight to see who will be second in command of the trine, the victor dominating the other.

A trine vow contains promises of staying faithful, true, kind, caring, courageous, loyal, and other endearing sentiments about how they will treat their trinemates. Every vow ends with the same closing words, "This I swear to you, my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one... Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my brother/sister, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none."

Seekers refer to trinemates as "brothers" or "sisters," since a trinemate is sort of like a sibling, as well as a best friend, lover, and Conjunx Endura. It is the strongest relationship a Seeker can have with anyone, and is rarely ever broken. There are rare cases that a trine has broken up for being incompatible, often due to trining too quickly, or from unfaithful trinemates. When such instances happen, the trinemates who cannot fit in the trine leave to find new trinemates that they work better with.

Trines will stay in a set formation that shows their rank, and makes them a stronger fighting force on the battlefield. The trineleader walks/flies in front while the trinemate who is in second command of the trine follows just behind and to the right of the trineleader. The third trinemate is just behind and to the left of the trineleader. And other mates that may have been accepted into the trine follow behind and to the right of the second trinemate, and one to the left and behind of the third trinemate, if there is more than one. The pattern continues, looking much like birds flying in the V formation.


The trineleader is in charge of protecting the trine, making all the decisions for the trine, and discipline the trine. Only the Alpha can discipline the trineleader. Discipline is usually physical and done in public to humiliate the troublemaker. Physical punishment could include beating trinemates on the aft with a metal cable, flogging with an energon whip, or tearing wings. Dominating is used often. After any physical punishment, the punished Seeker is then kissed and bonded with to remind them that they are loved, they just made a mistake and had to be punished for it. The trineleader also tells them that their punishment is over and they are forgiven, and that they won't be punished for the crime again, unless they commit the same offense and have to be punished for that time.

Trineleaders will assert dominance often if needed. They flare their wings, dominate disobedient trinemates, bite trinemates on neck during interface, bend their wings, or pin them down until they submit.

Trineleaders will protect their trinemates and any creations or mates that are in their trine. They guard them from any outside threat, keep the peace in the trine, and see to that the sparklings are raised right. Trineleaders are the ones to ensure that the trine is always fueled, has a safe place to live, kept away from danger, and see to their every need. They are the primary role models of their creations, and are looked up to by the entire trine for protection, leadership, and advice.

After Seekers become part of the "modern era" of living in a city with jobs and income, the trineleader took on the role of working a job and being the primary provider of the trine. The trineleader would make the money, control the finances, may allow their submissives to have an allowance, and controlled where they lived, what was bought, and what submissives could do.

The trineleaders would even control who their submissives called, wrote letters to, if they could leave the house, where they could go, and what they could do. The trineleader has absolute power and the submissives cannot do anything about it. They must submit and obey, or else face punishment, which ranges from being beaten on the aft with a metal cable, energy tawse, or metal switch, or whipped with an energy whip, dominated, chained to the berth, locked in the home, or forbidden to participate in certain activities.

Trineleaders are believed to always be right and never questioned. They are considered to know what's best for the trine and that they can never rape nor punish too much their submissives. And submissives are taught this always.


Submissives are the other two Seekers in a trine who are not the trineleader. They follow the trineleader and do whatever they say no matter what, or else are punished for it with physical beatings, flogging, dominating, or being chained. Submissives stay home and care for the Seekerlets. They are bred usually eight or more times, producing many creations for their trineleader to show the trineleader's strength and ability to procreate. Sometimes, a submissive may be the preferred breeding mate and bred with more than the other trinemate. This is often due to them being able to better breed, whether because they haven't had any miscarriages, produce healthier sparklings, or simply favoritism.

Submissives are not allowed to use birth control unless the trineleader allows it. They must submit and allow the trineleader to breed them whenever the trineleader so chooses. Furthermore, they must submit to interface period if the trineleader desires, even if the submissive doesn't want it.

Submissives may only have a job if the trineleader permits it. Submissives are not allowed to speak to other trineleaders unless spoken to, and must submit to all trineleaders. Other trineleaders are not allowed to punish or interface submissives not their own. Submissives belong to their trineleaders, merely property to them, and their trineleader dictates everything in their life, protects them, and provides for them.

Trineleaders may inspect their submissives or other submissives as if they are mere objects. This is often done to see if they are fit for breeding or how many times they've been bred since having sparklings will leave visible, extra abdomen plating. Too much of this extra plating is not desirable in most cultures, including Seeker culture. So, after a submissive has finished being bred with, however many times that trineleader chooses, they may have surgery to remove the blemishes.

Submissives are trained to follow their trineleader in perfect formation and obey a series of servo gestures and other commands precisely. Failure to do so results in punishment. Submissives must submit to everything a trineleader does to them, from holding still for a punishment, to allowing a trineleader to interface them against their will. Any resistance results in punishment.

Besides raising and caring for the Seekerlets and obeying the trineleader, submissives also keep the house clean and perform any other tasks their trineleader may command of them. Submissives tend to stay together and go to each other's homes for play dates with the Seekerlets. If the Seekerlets attend a school, the submissives may go to pick them up and drop them off with the trineleader's permission. Submissives may also go shopping if the trineleader permits, but often times the trineleader accompanies them for protection as well as to pay since they hold the Shanix.


Traditional trineleaders never are spiked, only doing that to their trinemates. Trineleaders spark their trinemates, sometimes without even telling them that they are trying to spark them. They choose when they want to have a sparkling, and if the trineleader is a femme she decides when her mech trinemate(s) can spark her. Femme trineleaders will either choose a trinemate to spark her, or make them fight and the victor is the one to breed with her.

Traditional trineleaders often have six or more sparklings with their trinemates, the more sparklings showing that they are strong and capable of breeding the next generation. A sparkling is never to be struck, physical punishment reserved only for adults. Learning how to fight starts young, including how to use weapons, servo-to-servo combat, and how to battle in the skies. Traditional trineleaders will kill sparklings that are born with defects, mutations, or are bastards from the trinemate cheating. Sometimes they might even tear the sparkling out of the gestation tank if they find out it is not theirs.

Traditional trineleaders will select one trinemate as a preferred breeding partner based on that they are a better frag, make creations who are healthier and stronger, less still-borns or miscarriages, or none at all, able to give birth easier with no complications, and are better at raising and caring for their creations. Usually, a trineleader will interface with only the trinemate they wish to procreate with for an orn straight. If the one to be sparked still isn't afterwards, the other trinemate will then be interfaced for an orn, and the patterned continued until someone is sparked. If no one is sparked within a stellar cycle's time, then it is concluded on you is infertile and they are simply never used for breeding.

If a carrier rejects their offspring, they will be raised by another trinemate as theirs and the trineleader simply will not breed with that trinemate.

Seekers carrying more than one sparklings are better for breeding. If the Alpha doesn't have multiple sparklings at once from their trinemates, but another Seeker does, they can be challenged and possibly lose their position for not being a good leader. Or, the Alpha can go and kill the sparklings before they are even born.

Outside Mating:

Trined Seekers are not to interface or take a mate outside of the trine unless the entire trine approves. If a trinemate does not get the trine's permission they can be brutally punished and the one they cheated with killed by the trineleader, and any sparklings murdered as well.

The outsider must prove to the trine that they are worthy to be accepted into the trine and to be with the Seeker. If the trine accepts them, they will be made a new member of the trine and allowed to live with them, breed with them, and bond with all trinemates.

If a Seeker is proposed to by an outsider who has been accepted into the trine, then the Seeker cannot interface with their mate until after they have become Conjuges Endurae. Once they are officially joined, they consummate that night and may continue to interface as they so desire.

Raising Seekerlets:

Seekerlets are never to be struck or physically disciplined. Hitting and yelling at young creates fear and anxiety, and when raising warriors such things are not permitted. Hitting only comes when adults being punished by a trineleader. They are taught how to fight in the air and on the ground at a young age, and to be wary of grounders. Seekerlets are to stay in the trine until age of twenty-five stellar cycles. While in the trine, they are under the protection and guidance of the trineleader. They are part of his/her trine, and are raised by everyone in the trine.

Once they are old enough, they are kicked out of the trine to find their own trinemates. Kicking the youngling out is done by the trineleader, who either chases them out or may grab them and throw them out the door.

Seekerlets learn about interface when ten stellar cycles old, their thrusters activating when they are twelve to fourteen stellar cycles of age, and able to transform at about seventeen to eighteen stellar cycles. When they are very young, they copy the wing movements of their creators and other Seekers as they learn how to use their wings.

Traditional trines often have many sparklings, sometimes up to fourteen or even twenty. They are spaced out, often four to five stellar cycles between each one, and each trinemate bearing the same number. Unless one trinemate is the better breeder.

Seekerlets are allowed to watch the trineleader punish the trinemates, even if it is with whips or some other physical discipline. Once the Seekerlets are ten stellar cycles, they may also watch the trineleader dominating the trinemates, or the trine bonding in general, since interface is not considered something to hide in Seeker culture.

Seekerlets are either homeschooled with tutors or sent to a private school. This way they avoid possible hate crimes and bullying since Seekers are despised by many. Sometimes, Seekerlets may attend a public school, but rarely due to fear.

Seekerlets aren't often allowed to have grounders as friends, but sometimes the trineleader of their trine may permit it.

Seekerlets may live their entire lives never touching the ground, other than the mountains. Sometimes a Seeker may go their entire life never touching dirt. Seekers avoid the ground and where grounders tread for safety incase they were to be attacked, and Seekerlets are always taught to stay in the air or perched on something tall.

Seekerlets may not have much interaction with their sire if the sire in the trineleader. This is because submissives are to raise the young, and the trineleader is often at work or wants to be lazy.

Trine Bonding:

A Seeker is to stay virgin until they find a trinemate. They lose their virginity when they trine. Trines bond in public to claim each other and show that they are together. Bonding can be done anywhere at anytime, regardless of audience. Bonding is done to strengthen the relationship of the trine, since it puts them in a vulnerable position. Trust is key for a trine to last.

Seekers are very possessive of each other, and will often bond to simply claim each other, or dry hump a trinemate or kiss them when they feel like someone may want them.

If a trinemate had been raped, they are reclaimed by bonding them excessively in public. New trines also bond a lot in public to make it clear that they are a new trine and for everyone to stop courting them. Seekers will also reclaim/claim a trinemate by painting on their wings and/or aft that they are the "property" of their trinemates.

If a trinemate has cheated, then after they are punished they are reclaimed as well, only being allowed to interface with trinemates and any mates who have been accepted into the trine.

If a Seeker is raped or dominated by the Alpha before losing their virginity to their trinemates, then they are labeled as "Impure Virgins." They are considered virgins for their trining and are not frowned upon for having been forced into fragging prior to trining, since they did not consent to it or had been punished.

Seekers who purposefully have intercourse prior to trining are frowned upon and often have a harder time finding a trine because of it. They are to stay "pure" and "clean" to their future trine, showing that they belong to each other since only trinemates can take virginities away.

Dominance, Submission, and Discipline:

As mentioned above, Seekers fight for dominance. Alpha Seekers, who lead all Seekers, will sometimes kill for the position. Trines fight for it when trining, and the battles can be brutal with torn off limbs and badly battered frames. Signs of being dominant are flared wings, flicking wings, narrowed/glowing optics, and a growling engine.

Seekers show submission by lowering their wings, looking away, stepping back, and not fighting back.

Discipline can be physical punishment with whips, cables, switches, and other items for causing pain, or it could be getting locked away, chained to a berth, forced to clean something, completing boring tasks, public humiliation, or losing privileges, such as items or not allowed to interface for a time.

Dominating is the most common punishment for Seekers. Dominating is when a trineleader or Alpha penetrates a misbehaving trinemate or Seeker and thrust painfully into them, almost as if they are raping them. The act is not to bring pleasure, but only pain and humiliation. It is usually done in public, and as the trineleader dominates, they often tear and bend the other Seeker's wings, bite their neck cables until they leak, and sometimes hit them.

Femmes dominate by either making a mech penetrate them and then thrust so it hurt the mech's spike, or they force as many digits as they can into a mech's or femme's valve and pump so it brought only pain.

Dominating usually lasts for half a breem to a breem (4-8 minutes). There are no overloads or pleasure during the act. After it, the Seeker is told they are forgiven and allowed to go on. Usually they are kissed, and bonded with at a later time if they are in too much pain. Many trineleaders do the bonding the immediate next morning.

Seekers show dominance when flying in their alt. mode by flying just above a trinemate and pressing their undercarriage down on the other Seeker. They pull away and then press down, repeating the pattern almost as if they were humping them. The trinemates shows submission by descending slightly and allowing the dominant Seeker to continue.

Seekers, being very prideful, are hurt most when humiliated. Public humiliation is used as often as dominating. Dominating, whipping, or punishing in front of a crowd happens more often then punishing a trinemate behind closed doors.

Sometimes if a trinemate is unfaithful, they are made to touch themselves in public, or the trine bonds in public and leaves the cheater out of it. If a Seeker cheated or did something else bad, the trine may bond in public, but the naughty Seeker is dominated while the other trinemate is loved on.


Alpha Seekers can be mech or femme. They are the ones who lead all of the Seekers, the one who can dominate anyone, trineleader or not, and are the ones to ensure the Seekers are safe.

Alphas can take anyone as a mate, even if they are already trined, without question. They are the ones who can punish a trineleader if they are being cruel to their trinemates or disrespectful to them. Sometimes, they may take more than one breeding mate.

If a Seeker has a problem about their trineleader or their trineleader can't help them, they go to the Alpha. The Alpha will only get involved in other trine's business if a Seeker from that trine asks the Alpha to, or it affects the Alpha and/or other Seekers.

Alphas often kill for leadership, ending the life of the previous Alpha and taking their place. Alphas are the strongest and smartest of all Seekers, and are expected to breed the most sparklings, take on mates for the sole purpose of breeding, and handle all non-Seeker matters.

If an Alpha dies unexpectedly, a new one is claimed by Seekers fighting for the position. The fighting is furious, sometimes death being involved, until there is a victor. Those fighting are usually trineleaders from various trines.

When an Alpha is defeated, their trinemates are usually killed by the victor or taken as breeding mates. The breeding mates of the previous Alpha are either killed or taken as the new Alpha's breeding mates, or even some or all released. Seekerlets that are still living with the previous Alpha may also be killed, in order to replace them with the new Alpha's creations. The new Alpha may adopt them and care for them as their own if they choose not to kill. The carriers of these Seekerlets often will offer themselves to the new Alpha in hopes of saving their creations from being killed. If they can please the new Alpha and convince them to take the Seekerlets as their own, the young may continue to live and be protected by the new Alpha.

An Alpha cannot deny a challenger. They must always fight them. They may kill or simply win and let them live. Only if the challenger cheats or more than one fights the Alpha at once will the royal guard take action and stop the battle.

Alpha's rule Vos, owning most of it, as well as the space port which is Vos' primary economic resource. Due to this, the Alpha is very rich and able to live in a palace and be treated like royalty with guards, a crown, and luxuries. They also must participate in the politics of Vos and deal with senators and other politicians. Alpha's also make laws, decide on what gets built in Vos, and controls the Seekers.

Alphas also have advisors, Seekers who are generals, educated in economics, and even well researched in politics. The Alpha may or may not take the advise of their advisors.

The Alpha's trine is called the Elite Trine.

Royal Life:

The Alpha in the "modern era" is rich due to owning most of Vos and the space port. This has allowed a massive tower to be constructed which is the palace. The palace is guarded day and night by several hundred guards. the palace guards are all single Seekers, mechs and femmes, who often work in the palace after graduating from the War Academy. It provides lodging, living in the palace in personal rooms that they may share with one other roommate. Energon is freely provided and they are paid Shanix. It is a good job for young Seekers still waiting to find a trine, that provides free housing, energon, Shanix, healthcare, and flexible work joors.

Guards follow strict rules, having to keep their rooms clean, as well as themselves, always being polished and waxed. They have armor they must wear whenever they are on duty, that also must be kept in top shape. This armor protects them from bullets, knives, and blunt force trauma. It consists of a helmet with a battle mask and visor, shoulder guards, chestpiece, armor over the arms, waist, hips, codpiece, and thighs. They also wear a cape, and have a spear that can shoot lasers.

Palace guards patrol the outside of the palace, in the air and on the ground. They stand guard outside the private quarters of breeding mates, the Elite Trine, throne room, and all entrances to the palace. They also stand before each support pillar in the throne room. They also patrol the inside of the palace.

Their shifts aren't too long, ensuring they stay rested and alert. Guards also are trained more in servo-to-servo combat, how to use various melee weapons and guns, bomb diffusing and making, hacking, leadership skills, and more.

Cameras monitor all hallways and activity in the palace along with the guards patrolling to ensure utmost security.

The Captain of the Guard may punish a guard with physical discipline, from beating with a cable or flogging. They may also lock a guard in their room and take away items from them.

The palace itself contains:

-Throne room

- Meeting room

- Offices for the Alpha, captain of the Guard, and advisors

- 200 berthrooms for breeding mates and the Alpha's creations

- Alpha's berthroom/Elite Trine's room

- 300 berthrooms for guards

- Guest rooms for special visitors

- Rooms for advisors

- Mess halls for guards and the royal family

- Energon storage rooms

- Painting room

- Rec rooms and training rooms

- Medical wing

- Armory

- Classrooms for the Seekerlets

- Lab (later added by Starscream when he becomes Alpha)

- Cells for special prisoners and punishing guards

- All berthrooms have washrooms

All berthrooms are fitted with furnishings, a closet, and private washroom, as well as a small balcony. The Alpha's berthroom is massive with a very large berth, several couches, a massive TV, huge closet, dressing area with large mirrors and mannequins, and a very large balcony.

The painting room is where Seekers may paint themselves and collect wax, polishes, etc. The training rooms are used for combat training of Seekerlets and guards. Bomb and long distance target training takes place in the mountains.

The medical wing has nurses and a doctor, who are fliers but not always Seekers. They do not live in the palace, but are paid a high wage to care for the Seekerlets, breeding mates, and guards. They often are in the berthrooms of the breeding mates when they give berth, if the breeding mate isn't in the medical wing for it.

The princes and princesses attend classes in the palace with actual school teachers who are paid to come and teach the private classes.

There are some prison cells used for punishing guards, or to hold high class prisoners, or Seekers who disobeyed the Alpha but are not locked in Vos' Penitentiary due to protection from grounders.

The throne room is at the top of the palace, and is connected to a massive balcony that can receive space ships, allowing important guests to visit without going through the rest of the palace. The throne room is a long hall with support pillars running parallel along it's length. Between each pillar on the wall is a large painting of previous Alphas and the current. Between each painting is a banner with the sigil of Seekers on it. On each support pillar is another of these banners.

The throne sits on a tall dais, with wing-like structures protruding from its back. The Alpha sits upon the throne while the Alpha's trinemates stand at attention on either side. Behind on the wall are more large banners with the sigil of Seekers.

The Alpha may have open court where they listen to their people's needs and complaints, host shows, and speak to important guests in the throne room. And when a guest greets the Alpha, they are to bow by getting down on one knee, lowering their helm to not look at the Alpha, and extend their arms out, bent some, to show they have no weapons and come in peace.

In the center of the palace is a hole that extends from the first floor to the last. Seekers fly up and down this, like an open elevator shaft to reach various levels. Support pillars allow each floor to have large openings for Seekers to easily land and take off from. An elevator also is located in the palace for non-flying guests.

The breeding mates of the Alpha live very much like regular submissives, only they do not need to clean or do much housework. The servants of the palace, who are paid to come over daily and clean, handle that. Breeding mates have full access of the palace, but may not always be able to leave. They still must follow everything the Alpha says as if they are their trineleader. They are bred often and a lot, sometimes being allowed long breaks after having so many sparklings.

Breeding mates may have been chosen after courting the Alpha and being accepted, or taken if the Alpha saw them and wanted them, regardless if they are single or trined. It is an honor to be a breeding mate of the Alpha.

Breeding mates wear an outfit that consists of golden chains covered in jewels, a jeweled crown and collar, and cape. It merely shows who they belong to and ensures no one messes with them. Breeding mates are not allowed out of the palace without their collars. This ensures no one dares to touch or use them. Doing so can result in serious punishment from a flogging to death.

Breeding mates can be called by the Alpha at anytime for interface, and often engage in orgies with the Elite Trine. Only the Alpha may use their breeding mates unless they otherwise allow their trinemates to also use them. But, only the Alpha may breed them.

Breeding mates may interface with each other so long as they do not spark one another.

The Alpha's creations are referred to as princes and princesses, and live a fairly normal sparklinghood, only in a palace with guards. The guards take orders from the Seekerlets, as well as the breeding mates, and must be respectful towards them. The Seekerlets sometimes befriend the guards. The guards help them however they can.

The royal Seekerlets may spend most of their lives in the palace, but once they are of age, they are kicked out by the Alpha and go off to find their own trine. Due to having so many creations, an apartment tower is used by the Alpha for their creations to rent an apartment in until they can get their own place or trine.

The palace life is not strict, and the Seekerlets are very pampered. Breeding mates also are spoiled, and given Shanix.

In front of the palace is the opening to the catacombs and Vos' plaza, which contains a large water fountain, statues of previous and current Alphas, a stage where the Alpha may address a crowd of Seekers, and whipping posts for public floggings.

Fighting and Body Language:

When Seekers fight it's all about speed. they are not heavily armored, so when they attack, they fly as fast as they can at their enemy, transform, and grab an arm or some limb and tear it off. They may even land at speed on their target, crushing them.

Seekers will grab their prey, carry it up into the sky, and as a group, all grab the limbs and pull until they tear off. Then tearing the torso and helm off their victim.

They are ruthless in their attacks, moving too fast for their enemies to fight back. they fly and strike by shooting or tearing something off before flying off, circling around,a nd coming back.

Seekers also make animalistic sounds when fighting to strike fear in their opponents. From growling, snarling, shrieking, and making other awful, terrifying sounds as they threaten or tear apart their enemies. Seekers may also bite, snap jaws, claw at their enemies, and flare wings to appear larger. Hissing to spit mouth lubricant is another fight and threat tactic they employ. Even if to some it seems "barbaric" or "animalistic," the purpose of it is to scare opponents and give the Seeker the upper servo, maybe even prevent a fight from occurring. Whatever it takes to win a fight, a Seeker shall take it.

When fighting in a large group, bombers fly over the battlefield first, dropping their load. Then, the other seekers come in just as the bombs finish exploding, landing and attacking those who didn't get hit by the bombs. Shooting, tearing off limbs, and flying away before the enemy has time to react.

Seekers mostly communicate via body language, their wings showing off their moods, the sounds their engines make, and optic-contact. Flared wings often a sign of aggression or to make the Seeker look larger to intimidate a threat. Flicking wings is done to show dominance, growing anger, aggression, warning about them potentially attacking, and annoyance. Perked wings show curiosity, eagerness, and excitement. Fluttering wings are a sign of happiness, joy, excitement, love, and contentment. Lowered wings are for when the Seeker is nervous, scared, being submissive, or trying to not seem threatening. Wings in a resting position are for when the Seeker is calm and comfortable. Folded back wings are for annoyance or to move them away from someone. Twitching wings are usually for when the Seeker is thinking, stimulated during interface, or slightly bothered. Growling engines are for when the Seeker is annoyed, pissed off, or warning about potentially attacking. Narrowed and glowing optics are another sign of aggression. Breaking optic-contact to look away is done when being submissive.

Seekers also lick each others faceplates as a sign of playful affection. They cuddle often, always needing physical contact for comfort, support, and love. Seekers are extremely physical, whether with bonding, snuggling, or even punishment. Everything involves some form of physical contact.

What Seekers Find as Attractive and "Turns Them On:"

Seekers are a warrior culture, so what they find as attractive and pleasing in a mate or trinemate is unique. Giving the helms of enemies to a lover, efficient combat skills, exceptional skill at killing, tearing off limbs and killing quickly are all smiled upon and make a watching Seeker feel turned on. Fast fliers, impressive aerial combat, ruthless in battle, and strength are favorable.

Seekers also like it when a trinemate has great "berth skills," is stubborn, brutal, has large wings, and no fear when killing or facing death. Killing many quickly and tearing them apart savagely is a bonus as well. Simply watching others be killed by another Seeker can put a Seeker in the mood for interface.

A trineleader is even more attractive when they keep their trinemates in strict formation, and the trinemates follow orders perfectly without flaw or hesitation. Even able to take numerous commands without the trineleader needing to speak, simply snapping digits or making certain gestures with their body. Trinemates who can take punishment with little to no screaming or crying are viewed as better and stronger Seekers than others. And trineleaders who have many creations are seen as stronger, better at interface, and superior.

Seeker Genetics and More Facts:

Seeker coding is very dominant due to the fact that their coding has been altered purposely for many vorns. Seekers once mated in groups of three, with a dominant and two submissives. But, as Seekers were continuously killed and mistreated by other Cybertronians, the once humble fliers had to begin to change themselves in order to survive. They had to adapt.

It took vorns, but the Seekers modified their very CNA and coding to make their current frametype be natural. To be what they are now. They augmented their bodies to be faster, more aerial dynamic, stronger, tougher armor, and able to kill proficiently as well as quickly. The mating of three became trines for combat. To not only fight off outsiders, but to better safeguard their young. Many of the old traditions stayed the same, just with new bodies.

As their bodies changed so did their culture in certain ways. Seekers became a warrior culture, growing up to learn how to fight from a young age, and accepting violence and death as natural. It is so embedded into their coding and who they are that it is natural for a Seeker to even feel sexually attracted to someone based solely on that person's efficiency at killing. They are exceptional aerial warriors, able to rip off the limbs of their enemies fluently. Their optics are capable of seeing distant enemies far below them, they can reach speeds of over Mach 3, and reach top speed in astroseconds. Their maneuverability in the skies is unmatched, and so is their ferocity in battle. They are so brutal in combat that the Functionists labeled them as only being capable of being soldiers and deny them any other kind of work. Seekers were only allowed in the War Academy to hone their natural ability, and viewed as interface crazed murderers by most. Seekers are so hated that they can be often times murdered, raped, or beaten in public and no one, not even police, bother to help them.

Seeker coding is so dominant from the manipulation that it is rare for one to have anything but a Seeker even if they breed with a non-Seeker. Every Seeker has about a 94% chance of having another Seeker. A Seeker who is half Seeker and half non-Seeker still has a 70.5% chance of having a Seeker with another Seeker. If both Seeker creators are half Seeker, then the chance of having a Seeker is about 47%.

It is best that Seeker coding is so dominant for traditional trineleaders will kill sparklings who are anything but a Seekerlet.

With the structure of a Seeker's frame, their very powerful jet engine, strong limbs, resilient, but light armor, and fast fuel processing, they can often times overheat. It is this reason that Seekers cannot interface for too long or have too many overloads in a short period of time. And why after flying for joors, Seekers will find themselves sitting down panting, cooling fans overworking, trying to get back to safe temperature levels.

Their engines are very efficient when it comes to fuel. They take in a fair amount of energon, but their fuel tank can quickly process it and get it into their engine so that they can return to combat. A Seeker running at 10% energy level can consume a single cube of energon, and be back into the battle at nearly 30% in just a couple of kliks.

Seekers are quite prone to claustrophobia. They grow up in towers, far from the ground or anywhere enclosed. Being inside for too long or locked away quickly gets to them. They can begin to have hallucinations in only an orbital cycle or too. Sometimes they may tear at their own plates, scream, or show other signs of insanity.

Seekers usually write their trine vows when adolescent, but not always. Some may wait until after they leave the trine.

With the resilience of Seekers' armor, they tend to have a higher pain tolerance, thus making them even superior for combat and being warriors. It is also frowned upon in their culture to be too sensitive regarding physical pain. Their stronger frames also allow them to handle great falls and landing on their peds at speed. Their leg hydraulics are designed to take the brutal landings, and crashes that they may have to endure.

Seekers are very physical, requiring the touch of their trinemates or creators often. They are always cuddling, hugging, and being near to each other. Interface is a regular activity to build these bonds, especially since it is very touch oriented. When a trinemate is injured, the other two trinemates will lie on either side of the injured one and try to cover as much of the injured Seeker's frame as they can. They will then keep everyone else away, guarding the hurt trinemate until they are better.

Seeker wings are very sensitive, allowing them to better navigate and respond to changes in the air around them. They also have much more going on in regards to their HUD for flying, battling, scanning for enemies, and other attributes for aerial combat.

⭕Royal Life
⭕Fighting and Body Language
⭕Wht Seekers Find as Attractive
⭕Seeker Genetics and More Facts


🔵Canon Characters' History and Bios For The Libero Trilogy and Illicitus

Canon Characters' History and Bios For The Libero Trilogy and Illicitus:

Seeker Starscream: (Talks about his past in chapter 4 of Filia and chapter 2 of Invictus. Flashbacks of his past are at the beginning of chapters 4, 6, 7, and 8 of Spurius.)

Starscream never knew his sire, having died when he was only a few stellar cycles old. His carrier, Moonlight, took him to live with a grounder who ended up becoming very abusive towards them after a time. He would beat them regularly with his fists, cables, bottles, or anything he could get a hold of. It was often that Starscream would have a ped planted between his shoulders and held down as his backside was beaten in public or indoors.

Starscream grew up watching his carrier be raped and beaten almost every orbital cycle, sometimes more than once an orbital cycle. He would always try and rescue her, rushing to her side and screaming for the attacker to stop. He would fight him off, ignoring if he was hurt or an arm broken in the process. All that mattered was saving his carrier.

One orbital cycle Starscream onlined to find his carrier missing. It would be stellar cycles later when Starscream finally escaped his step-sire and, with a broken arm, ends up living on the streets. Starscream would steal his energon from anyone he could, living in an abandoned building, recharging in what little warmth it could provide him with.

He eventually is attacked by a grounder and left to die on the street. After being left there for joors, someone finally stops to help him and takes him to a hospital. While there, Starscream becomes fascinated with science and wishes to become a scientist.

Once leaving the hospital, Starscream makes his way to Iacon to join the Science Academy. He is rejected due to his frametype and sent away. In order to survive, Starscream joined aerial racing, soon winning every race and drawing attention to himself.

The Science Academy brought him over to them in order to learn how he is so fast, wanting to better develop ships for travel and combat. Starscream was given almost no energon and continued to live in an abandoned building, scavenging for whatever energon that wasn't provided to him.

It is at the Science Academy that he meets Skyfire. The two soon became best friends, and Skyfire gave the Seeker a place to live. Skyfire helped Starscream get into the Science Academy where they study for vorns, becoming top notch scientists in their many fields of research. Eventually, they develop romantic feelings towards each other. It gets to a point where they almost make love before Starscream gets scared at the last astrosecond and flees out a window.

The two planned a trip to explore other planets, which went well until Skyfire was lost on one. After searching for joors, Starscream was forced to leave to return to Cybertron for help. He was condemned a murderer and kicked out of the Science Academy. With nothing else to do and his spark shattered, he joined the War Academy.

It is many stellar cycles later that he eventually meets, is courted by, and trines Skywarp and Thundercracker. Starscream knew very little about being a Seeker and was quite submissive at first. He wins dominance, but his trinemates have to teach him everything regarding Seeker life and traditions.

Eventually, Starscream and his trinemates leave the War Academy to live in Vos. Starscream attended a hearing to listen to the Seeker Alpha Skycutter with all the other Seekers. Starscream was so outraged by what Skycutter said, having no knowledge of grounder or politics, and therefore unable to properly protect them, that Starscream challenged him. Skycutter tried to dominate him, but it only ended up in a fierce battle that Starscream won, tearing Skycutter's helm off.

Starscream later hunts down and kills Skycutter's trinemates, but spares their creations. He rules the Seekers, working on trying to better their lives when he begins to read Towards Peace and practically begins to worship Megatron of Tarn.

Starscream is very protective of his Seekers, willing to take beatings from Megatron if it means protecting them. When he became Alpha, his first action was to meet every single one of his Seekers and know them by spark. He keeps a red datapad on him that has all the Seekers listed. Their designations, who they are trined to, relationships to each other, what they like, their personality, skills, ideologies, and anything else he find necessary to know about them.

Starscream is non-traditional, so much so he allows his trinemates to spike him, beat his aft, and talk back. He secretly is turned on by beatings, something caused by the abuse making him become use to and almost desiring pain.

He insists that he is a "fabulous, sexy turbofox," and has gladly taken on the nickname of "afthelm" from his peers. He is the fastest Seeker to ever live, is much thinner than most Seekers, and one of the shorter ones. He enjoys giving others demoting nicknames , such as calling Prowl "smiley," or Megatron "His Royal Slag-Helmed-ness."

He doesn't like being touched by grounder mechs due to the abuse, so he fights medics, often even biting them or kicking. He gives Hook the most trouble and is proud to be his "nemesis."

Starscream always purges his tanks the next morning when he has a hangover. He also has become so use to pain that he barely reacts to it. And his frame has been taking in pain dampeners for so long and in such quantities that they no longer work on him. The amount required to work on him is so dangerously high that he might die from it. He hides his emotions and feelings, a master at keeping his faceplates an enigma. He also always flutters his wings after interface to remove excess energy from them, and enjoys sitting on Thundercracker's lap to be pampered. He is very loud when greatly enjoying his interface, and prefers to be spiked and on the bottom.

He feels closer to Skywarp when stressed since Skywarp is gentler towards him, and Thundercracker is more strict and harsh. He tries to keep his true emotions regarding his trinemates to himself, not wanting them to be hurt to get to him.

Non-Traditional - Trineleader - Full Trine.


Seeker Skywarp: Skywarp's creators came from two different trines, both with traditional trineleaders. Skywarp's creators were in love with each other, sneaking out to be together and make love. Skywarp's carrier was accidentally sparked and the secret affair was found out. Their trinemates gave the pair a chance, but ended up deciding that they shouldn't be together. When Skywarp was only a few stellar cycles old his creators were forced apart. Skywarp stayed with his carrier and his trine, rarely ever seeing his sire. His carrier's trineleader never accepted Skywarp into his trine, so he was never under his protection. There were a few times that the trineleader harmed Skywarp, punching him, kicking him, even throwing him around, but these violent actions occurred when Skywarp was a youngling and adolescent and defending his carrier. The trineleader would beat his carrier over everything, and kept him locked away in his room. His carrier could only go outside with an escort, and wasn't allowed to visit anyone or speak to guests. Skywarp became very protective and close to his carrier. He saw his carrier as his best friend and world, and would do everything for him.

Skywarp would visit his sire whenever he could, smuggling secret letters between the two so they could stay in contact. His sire was kept locked away as well and beaten a lot, but not as much as his carrier.

His creators never had any other creations other than him. Their trinemates did have multiple creations, but none of them ever liked Skywarp. They bullied him, hit him, and constantly insulted him and his creators.

His creators never got to see each other again before they died in the war. And it is due to the divided family that Skywarp has severe anxiety and quick to panicking if he feels there's a chance of his trine splitting up.

Skywarp eventually left his carrier's trine, visiting his creators often. He soon met and courted Thundercracker, the two trining after a few stellar cycles. It would be even more stellar cycles later that they joined the War Academy and eventually met Starscream. They trined him after courting him for a long time. It took Skywarp stealing a datapad from the tri-colored Seeker and making him chase him to get him to even consider them. Starscream danced with them in the sky, and a few orbital cycles later trined them privately in his quarters. (Explanation of their trining is in chapter 3 of Ancillam).

Skywarp is very sexually active. He feels removed from the stress of the world, and only feel his trinemates' love when fragging. He watches porn obsessively, is into all kinds of fetishes from BDSM, painplay, using toys, hooks, to even putting his spike in Starscream's "wrong hole." He also bites lip plates, glossas, and everything else. When enjoying being spiked he gets very loud with screaming random things and often arguing with Starscream.

He's a prankster, hyper-energetic, more susceptible to claustrophobia, needs constant attention from his trinemates, unhealthily obsessed with hitting Starscream's aft, views Starscream as a plaything for his fetishes and sexual explorations, and isn't afraid to show his emotions. He loves sparklings, is irresponsible, and enjoys screaming his love for his trinemates at them. His trinemates are everything to him now since he has no family members left.

Non-Traditional - Dominant, third in the trine - Full Trine.


Seeker Thundercracker: Thundercracker cones from a traditional trine. His carrier was a femme, and his sire was very strict, but kind to his trinemates. Thundercracker had fifteen brothers, seven of them being full while the other eight were half-brothers. His sire raised him to be traditional, and was very harsh when disciplining his trinemates, but loved all of his sons and gave them equal attention. Thundercracker was always close to his sire, but was a carrier-mechling. He was obsessed with being with his carrier and never left her side. His brothers were all his best friends, and as a middle creation, he helped raise the younger ones, and learned from the older ones.

His sire loved having pets, so they had cyberdogs, petrorabbits, and other Cybertronian pets living with them. Thundercracker had an especially strong bond with one of their cyberdogs, Tank. His sire referred to the pets as "adopted creations," to which Thundercracker and his brothers jokingly accepted their non-Seeker siblings.

Thundercracker was about 34 stellar cycles old and beginning to court potential trinemates when one of his brothers was murdered. His brother was walking down a street when he saw two grounders fighting outside of a bar. He ran to break up the fight, but the watching crowd screamed and started to say he was attacking the fighting mechs. The fighting mechs then turned their aggression on him and before long the mob bludgeoned Thundercracker's brother to death.

The police never arrested the murderers, and instead Thundercracker's brother was accused of assaulted the grounders. The grounders were said to have been "acting out in self defense" against the "aggressive Seeker."

Thundercracker's sire had to pay for the medical costs of the fighting mechs, along with paying for the funeral of his son. The family never got justice.

Thundercracker became quiet after that, having been close to all of his brothers. He was more aggressive when angered, and kept to himself.

When he trined Skywarp, he quickly took leadership. He would beat and dominate Skywarp often, making sure he had full control over his trinemate. When he trined Starscream, he was surprised of how brutal the smaller Seeker was, losing to him.

Thundercracker stayed traditional for many vorns, but his trinemates eventually converted him to being non-traditional. He will on occasion revert to his traditional ways, mostly when angry with Starscream, but otherwise is pretty relaxed.

The deaths of several more of his brothers, his creators, uncle, and some other extended family members hurt him like nothing else, leading him into depression and keeping to himself. He tried to forget the pain by reading books, playing videogames, and writing. He still loves cyberdogs and other Cybertronian animals, even organic animals. He secretly wants to have a sanctuary to save as many Cybertronian animals as possible and have his remaining siblings help him care for them with the help of all of their trinemates.

Thundercracker is a large Seeker, like his sire, relying more on strength than speed when in combat. He is quiet, slow to anger, but when he is angry he is more than pissed off. He is quick to punish Starscream by beating his aft a lot and hard. He doesn't take any of Starscream's slag, and is not afraid to lecture him and talk back. He advices Starscream, mothers his trinemates, keeps his trinemates from killing each other, and helps them with anything they need. He pampers his trinemates excessively if they are hurt, and leads the Seeker's in Starscream's absence. He is not afraid to battle the other Seekers if he must in order to help his trineleader keep his position and the peace.

Thundercracker is an extreme lightweight and gets easily over energized.

Thundercracker is easily made self-conscious when the size of his spike is mentioned. He is large and impressive, but he is humble about it and rather keep it to just his trinemates than have others look at it and comment about it. He will often get aggressive and seem angry when very turned on, pinning his trinemates down sometimes painfully as he penetrates them.

Non-Traditional - Dominant, second in trine - Full Trine.


Seeker Hotlink: Hotlink cones from a traditional trine. He had thirteen siblings, sisters and brothers. He had six full siblings, the other seven were half-siblings. Hotlink's sire was very strict with his trinemates, beating them often. He was protective and caring towards his creations, but didn't interact with them too much as they got older. Hotlink admired his sire, wanting to be a better trineleader than he.

When Hotlink was about 40 stellar cycles old he stumbled upon Sunstorm who was dying in a dumpster. He took him home, healed him, and cared for him. Eventually, he trined Sunstorm, the two madly in love with each other.

Hotlink always had a love for building things and taught himself how to be an engineer and mechanic. He was able to use that skill to get a job repairing ships and other machinery, providing for his trine.

He would eventually meet and trine Bitstream, completing his trine. His trine were very close and loving towards each other until the war had progressed for several hundred vorns. Hotlink became more strict, especially after Bitstream began to cheat on his trinemates. Being traditional, Hotlink would dominated and flog Bitstream often and in public, trying to keep him in control and to get him to behave.

Hotlink lost several of his family members in the war, becoming sparkbroken, but having to hide it from his trinemates. He struggles with controlling his trine, hiding his emotions, and trying not to fall deeper into his depression. He loves his trinemates, but with Bitstream being rebellious, Sunstorm suicidal, and all the stress it brings him, Hotlink at times barely holds on.

He is one of the best engineers the Decepticons possess, having created many inventions to aid the war effort. He is a hard worker, loves being with his trinemates, and wishes to eventually have a family with them, and hope that that would make them be a normal trine.

Hotlink hates Starscream primarily because he is non-traditional, but also hates many decisions Starscream has made in the past. He believes he would be a better Alpha and hopes to challenge Starscream when the Decepticon Second seems vulnerable.

Traditional - Trineleader- Full Trine.


Seeker Sunstorm: Sunstorm attended a public school when he was a Seekerlet. When he was about six stellar cycles old he was tricked by some other students to walk home a different way with them. Sunstorm was abducted by some grounders who took him away to study his strange ability that was causing him to burn school property and other students. Sunstorm never saw his family again.

Sunstorm was locked away in an outlier lab for many stellar cycles, living out his sparkling and adolescent stellar cycles inside a cell, never going outside or seeing the sun. When he was not being experimented on, he was locked inside a windowless cell, his wrists and ankles chained to the walls. His wings were damaged so he couldn't lift them, never learning how to control them or communicate with them.

The experiments he was forced to engage in involved him shooting targets, using his abilities in various situations, and testing how his radiation compared to other radioactive items. He was tied down numerous times to have his insides cut open and studied, and have nanites drawn from him to test to see if becoming an outlier was genetically related. He was never allowed anywhere near the scientists, always having bulletproof glass between them, unless they were cutting into him. He was always chained, surrounded by guards, and called awful words.

Being a Seeker, he was treated worse than the other prisoners. He was labeled as a "vicious killer" and a "low life" by the guards who often beat him and tortured him.

Sunstorm was an adult when he finally escaped. Other prisoners were launching their own escape and a stray bullet shot the door lock to his cell. He managed to break his chains and get out the cell door, bolting through the lab until he got out.

Running far from the lab, he soon found himself living on the street drinking waste from pipes in order to survive. He had no knowledge of who he was, his designation, how to fly, or be a Seeker. No one helped him for he was a Seeker, so he had to fend for himself.

The waste only made him sicker, he was weakening, and after surviving for a few orns on the street he didn't have the strength to keep going. He dragged himself to a broken dumpster and lied inside, unable to do anything more but cry and wait out his last moments.

It was then that Hotlink found him, and took the silver, and weak Seeker to a hospital. Hotlink cared for Sunstorm, seeing to it that he was repaired, refueled, and even given his first coat of paint. He took him home and continued to care for him.

Sunstorm was scared and untrusting, but willing to give Hotlink a chance. He wasn't use to kindness, so was always worried about being hurt again. Hotlink taught Sunstorm how to fly, to write, to read, all about Seeker culture, and society. Sunstorm began to come out of his shell, learn to trust Hotlink, and even love him. Sunstorm then designated himself since he had forgotten his original designation. Hotlink and Sunstorm trined with almost no courting involved, knowing they were meant to be together. Sunstorm sees Hotlink as his hero and best friend, and despite his anger and strictness, Sunstorm could never be away from him.

Later, Sunstorm and Hotlink met Bitstream and eventually trined him. Sunstorm is filled with joy at having both his trinemates and their unending love, but his past demons still continue to haunt him.

Sunstorm is very depressed and suicidal. He has attempted suicide multiple times with various techniques, from poison, a gun, to crashing himself. His trinemates have either stopped him just before he harms himself, or would come home to finding him dying and then rushing him to the hospital.

Sunstorm also became an alcoholic, addicted to engex and drank it often until over energized. It wasn't until he became a believer of Primus that he gave it up and now only drinks it once in a while when playing a game with his trinemates or friends. Otherwise, he avoids it.

Sunstorm hates himself, feeling like he is the cause for his trinemates' suffering, and that everything is his fault. He is trying to get better from the PTSD and depression, and his trinemates refuse to leave him. He hates his outlier ability and refers to it as a "curse."

One thing he holds close is his faith in Primus, and that Primus will help guide him through the difficult times.

Sunstorm is into emetophilia, and doesn't mind letting Bitstream do his own fetish on him. Sunstorm loves sparklings and wants his own, but doesn't want them to be outliers, especially ones who create fire. He has burnt his trinemates and friends by accident many times, and so doesn't want anyone else to suffer like he has. His ability also allows him to be almost a battery to ships, have control over nearby technology and fire.

Sunstorm acts very much like a "stereotypical, gay human," very feminine and behaves in a particular manner. His optics are naturally yellow, and turn so when he uses his ability. It takes concentration to ensure he doesn't light up. And his trinemates are protected from his radiation by a device Hotlink created, which both him and Bitstream implanted inside of themselves.

Sunstorm is very submissive, easily made nervous, and would rather hide behind his brothers than start a fight. He hates killing, and wants nothing more than for the war to be over so he can just start a family with his trinemates and settle.

Non-Traditional - Submissive - Full Trine.


Seeker Bitstream: Bitstream came from a non-traditional, half-trine. He had a sister, Stormbreaker, who was killed early on in the war. Bitstream's carrier was a femme, and he cared for his creators but never got that close to them. He always was rebellious, and would often run off to steal treats, small items, or vandalize public property.

He would always get in trouble at school and never made any friends with being a Seeker and his attitude. He got into fights constantly with other students, and it was often he would come home damaged and in pain from being beat up.

From an early age he had a love for technology, teaching himself about programming, computers, and hacking. He used this skills to hack into the computers of his teachers and get test answers, delete lessons, and give the students he hated poor grades.

His sister was his best friend, and she would always try to keep him out of trouble and stand up for him in school. Bitstream's creators were always worried about him, but he never listened to them or anyone else.

Bitstream grew up with a pet turbofox, and always loved them since. He would rescue them and keep them as pets whenever he could, and it was rare when he didn't have a turbofox living with him.

Bitstream was able to get a job working on fixing technical issues with computers and other software after he was kicked out of his creators' trine. He was able to buy himself an upgrade of interface connectors in his digits, which allowed himself to plug directly into any machine and control it, manipulate it, and unleash viruses into it.

Bitstream eventually met Hotlink and Sunstorm, and began to court them. It took him a couple of stellar cycles before the two accepted him and trined. Him and Hotlink were pretty evenly matched, and Hotlink won the fight for dominance with a "lucky" punch to Bitstream's face.

Bitstream loves his trinemates, and always took care of Sunstorm when Hotlink was away. Bitstream and Hotlink had jobs, but Sunstorm never got one, unable to handle being around grounders and others without his trinemates. He stayed home and took care of Bitstream's turbofox.

It wasn't until about mid-war that Bitstream's rebellious nature returned at full swing. He began to frag outside of the trine without his trinemates' permission or knowledge. He used prostitutes, raped Empties, Autobots, and even some Decepticons, mech and femme alike. Bitstream even allowed himself to be spiked and used by fellow Decepticons who gave him Shanix for it. He was obsessed with fragging and being fragged by anyone other than his trinemates.

Whenever Hotlink found out about his unfaithfulness, he would publicly flog and dominate him. The beatings got worse, and Hotlink was constantly angry with him. This led to Bitstream and Hotlink distancing themselves. They rarely bond anymore, and spend most of their time fighting, arguing, and Bitstream being punished. Bitstream believes he would be a better trineleader and tells Hotlink so often.

The only thing keeping their trine from falling apart is their love for Sunstorm, who needs them both. If they were to split, Sunstorm would most definitely be successful in killing himself. And that is something Hotlink and Bitstream would never be able to live with.

Bitstream is also a bully to other Decepticons and to Sunstorm. He often locks Sunstorm in closets, trips him, pranks him, and beats his aft to get a rise out of him. Bitstream also has a fetish for rapeplay, so is rather mean to Sunstorm during interface when he's in the right mood. He allows Sunstorm to practice his own fetish on him, having become use to being purged on, and enjoying Sunstorm sucking him off.

Much of Bitstream's cheating is believed to be associated to his last turbofox being killed during a bombing in the war. He held his turbofox's paw as he died, and the event tore the Seeker apart. He became more ruthless, quick to aggression, and eager to start a fight afterwards.

Bitstream is a loudmouth, one of the best hackers for the Decepticons, a troublemaker, social "butterfly," and isn't afraid of anything. He has been labeled the biggest adulterer in Seeker history, but he doesn't care. Whatever gives him the quickest self gratification is good for him.

Bitstream supports Starscream, believing him to be a great Alpha. He is an absolute fierce warrior, and has been known to even frag the still warm corpses of those he has killed. He wants to eventually have a few creations, but his trinemates secretly don't believe he would be a good creator with his rebellious nature and desire to always be in some sort of trouble.

Regardless of his rebellious habits, he is very protective of his trinemates, loves them, and suffers from depression. He feels like Hotlink doesn't actually care for him, and feels like a failure to his trine, but doesn't have the will to change himself for them. He will secretly cry when alone, wishing he was a better trinemate to them, and feels like he deserves to be hurt by Hotlink for his adultery. Sunstorm stays close to him, knowing that Bitstream needs help, and tries to get him to convert and follow Primus, but Bitstream doesn't believe in him.

Non-Traditional - Dominant second in trine - Full Trine.


Seeker Acid Storm: Acid Storm is the trineleader of the Rainmaker trine. His trinemates are Ion Storm and Nova Storm. All of them are non-traditional. They support Starscream and are friends with Hotlink, Bitstream, and Sunstorm.


Seeker Ramjet: Ramjet is the trineleader over Thrust and Dirge. They are non-traditional, and very close to each other. Ramjet doesn't really believe Starscream is a good Alpha, but his trinemates think he is doing a decent job.


Seeker Contrail: Contrail is a strict, traditional Seeker who thinks Starscream is a terrible Alpha and should be removed. He lost both his trinemates in the war and managed to not kill himself over the loss, believing they would want him to continue the fight for them. He is bitter, quiet, and very aggressive. He refuses to find new trinemates, still sparkbroken over the lost of his first trinemates. He was the trineleader of his trine.


Seeker Nacelle: Nacelle is a single, semi-traditional Seeker. He was once a royal guard for the Alpha before the war. He is playful, eager to find trinemates, and very social. He wants to have a daughter with his future trinemates, wishes to be a famous Seeker, and to be hailed as a hero when the war is over. He believes Starscream is a good leader.


Seeker Red Wing: Red Wing is a single, semi-traditional Seeker. He is reserved, quiet, and thinks Starscream is a decent Alpha. He doesn't mind being around grounders.


Seeker Sandstorm: Sandstorm is a single, non-traditional Seeker. He doesn't really have an opinion on Starscream being the Alpha. He just wants to get a trine and find love before he dies.

Seeker Slipstream: Slipstream is a non-traditional, single, Seeker femme. She refuses to ever get a trine and is very against mechs for how they so often see femmes as something to use. She is feared by everyone, even Starscream, for her ferocity in battle and ability to take down any mech. She is extremely dominant, deadly, and beautiful. Other Seekers are wise to avoid her.


Hook: Hook is a top medic in the Decepticon forces. Being part of Devastator, he is kept around the top brass. This has forced him to end up repairing Starscream many times from the Seeker being damaged from Megatron or in combat. Since Starscream surrounds himself with many of his Seekers at all times, Hook would find himself repairing more Seekers at once than any other medic. He soon began to dissect and study the dead Seekers that came to him, writing down everything he discovered of their anatomy and how their frames function. He collected everything already known about their physicality, added it to his own notes, and learned from the Seekers regarding their culture. He has written his own private book about how to repair a Seeker and gave copies to many other Decepticon doctors for them to use.

Hook is an expert on Seekers in regards to their physical makeup, and he takes pride in it. He gloats that he could put a Seeker back together blindfolded with his arms tied behind his back while in the middle of a battlefield without any gravity. Starscream believes that it is true with how often Hook has repaired him.

Hook calls Starscream his "nemesis" due to how the Seeker bites, kicks, and fights him every time he has to repair him. He is tired of constantly seeing Seekers in his medbay, having to repair them from not only combat, but them constantly fighting or punishing each other. He believes their warrior culture and "love for self harm" is the dumbest attribute to their kind. Despite how much he gets tired of the violence of Seeker nature, he can't help but admire their loyalty to each other and how trinemates are always on guard and present for their wounded trinemates. The Elite Trine impress him the most. Despite how often they fight each other and that Starscream never listens to them, Thundercracker and Skywarp are always there to nurse Starscream back to health and protect him while he's in medbay. Even if he is in medbay for over a stellar cycle, those two Seekers will recharge on the floor beside the CR chamber and only one will leave at a time to retrieve energon for the other.

Hook is very sarcastic, threatens his Seeker patients (mostly Starscream), and complains often about his work. Despite his constant grumblings regarding Starscream, he does respect him in regards of how the Seeker is so protective and caring of his people, and willing to suffer if it means they go unharmed.

Hook gets away with hitting Starscream when the Seeker gives him lip, and even with welding Starscream's codpiece closed. In a way, he feels kind of like a friend to Starscream, but more of the kind of friend telling the other how stupid they are and to not do stupid things all the time.


Skyfire: Skyfire is a gentle giant who is slow to anger, embarrassed easily, and has a hard time with arguing. Before the war he studied at the Science Academy where he met and fell in love with Starscream. He always thought Starscream was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He went on a expedition with his then mech-friend, only to end up being separated and lost in the frozen tundra of Earth. It took thousands of vorns before he was found again under the ice and rescued. He joined the Autobots after having been tricked by Starscream into thinking that the Decepticons were the perfect side.

He still loves Starscream and wishes to be with him as Conjunx Endura and have creations. He is embarrassed about interface and blushes whenever Starscream talks about it. He still doesn't understand much about Seeker culture and doesn't get why Seekers are so violent. He wishes Starscream would leave the Decepticons because he is being hurt by Megatron, and it pains him to know that the mech he loves is being treated so terribly.


Prowl: Prowl once had a romantic relationship with Chromedome, but his spark was shattered when Chromdome dumped him. He has been a prick ever since.


🔵OC Characters' History and Bios

OC Characters' History and Bios:

Seeker Skycutter: (Talked about in chapter 2 of Spurius) Alpha of the Seekers before Starscream. Is killed by Starscream after trying to dominate him. Loses in a fierce battle and is decapitated. Traditional - Trineleader - Full Trine - 83 creations, 21 with trinemates, the rest with his 6 breeding mates.

Seeker Moonlight: (Talked about in chapter 4 of Filia and chapter 2 of Invictus. Flashbacks of her past are at the beginning of chapters 4 and 6 of Spurius) Starscream's carrier. Lost her trineleader when Starscream was very young. Ended up living with a grounder mech who beat and raped her almost every orbital cycle. Never received proper medical care, and suffered greatly. Never ceased loving and caring for Starscream, staying close to him, and being his only friend during his early life. Her paint job is the same as what Starscream takes as his own. She also had red optics and dark faceplates like him. Non-Traditional - Submissive - Half Trine - 1 creation.

Moonstar: (Appears and mentioned in The Libero Trilogy, Spurius, An Attempt to Raise a Sparkling) Mate and later Conjunx Endura to Seeker Starscream. Was an Autobot made his interface slave until he fell in love with her and took her as his mate. She became a Decepticon in order to be with him and the two were madly in love. Carrier to Seeker Dawnstar.

Seeker Dawnstar: (Appears in The Libero Trilogy, Spurius, An Attempt to Raise a Sparkling) Daughter of Seeker Starscream and Moonstar. Black and red in coloration with magenta optics. Dawnstar was an accident who later helped Starscream become who he once was. Worshipped her sire as her best friend and hero. Goes through some tough times but gets through it with his help. Is raped at one point in Uraya and is sparked with Starstreak. Later joins Sideswipe as Conjunx Endura and has four creations with him: Moonlight, Skyraider, Starblade, and Thunderbolt. Trines Eclipse and Nightstrike, having several creations with them. Non-Traditional - Trineleader - Full Trine - 13 creations.

Seeker Starstreak: (Appears in The Libero Trilogy, Spurius) Son of Seeker Dawnstar, grandson of Seeker Starscream. Bastard, conceived from his carrier being raped by a Decepticon grounder in Uraya. Has twelve half siblings and a step-sire, Sideswipe. Red, silver, and black colored Seeker. Loses his virginity when raped by his sire, Shatterblade, after finding him. Later trines Turbojet and another Seeker. Non-Traditional - Trineleader - Full Trine - 8 creations.

Seeker Moonlight (2): (Appears in The Libero Trilogy, Spurius) Daughter of Seeker Dawnstar and Sideswipe. Granddaughter of Starscream. Designated after Starscream's carrier. Moonlight is the first creation of Sideswipe and Dawnstar. Very energetic and eager to learn. Trines Firestorm and another Seeker. Non-Traditional - Trineleader - Full Trine - 5 creations.

Seeker Skyraider: (Appears in Spurius) Second son of Seeker Dawnstar and Sideswipe. Grandson of Starscream. Wishes to be the best. Trines Elevon and a Seeker femme. Non-Traditional - Trineleader - Full Trine - 7 creations.

Seeker Starblade: (Appears in Spurius) Third creation of Seeker Dawnstar and Sideswipe. Granddaughter of Seeker Starscream. Very dominant, takes most after her grandsire. Fearsome warrior and fears little. Loves petrorabbits. Trines Seeker Hypersonic and another Seeker. Non-Traditional - Trineleader - Full Trine - 10 creations.

Seeker Thunderbolt: (Appears in Spurius) Fourth creation of Seeker Dawnstar and Sideswipe. Grandson to Seeker Starscream. Bookworm, preferring to read and write rather than fight. Took the longest to get a trine. Quiet, reserved, and gets along best with his "great uncle" Thundercracker. Trines two Seeker mechs. Non-Traditional - Dominant second in trine - Full Trine - 2 creations.

Seeker Nova: (Appears in Spurius) Daughter of Seeker Dawnstar and Seeker Eclipse. Granddaughter of Seeker Starscream. Trines two Seeker femmes. Semi-Traditional - Dominant second in trine - Full Trine - 1 creation (nanite donor used).

Seeker Nightsky: (Appears in Spurius) Son of Seeker Starscream (carrier) and Skyfire. First sparkling to be created using an artificial spark chamber and gestation tank. Very tall Seeker. Non-Traditional - Submissive - Full Trine - 3 creations.

Seeker Elevon: (Appears in Spurius) Seeker painter, friendly, energetic, and eager to get others to laugh. Used to be a royal guard for the Alpha before the war. Yellow and blue coloration. Trines Skyraider. Semi-Traditional - Dominant second in trine - Full Trine - 4 creations.

Seeker Nightstrike: (Appears in Spurius) Black Seeker with red markings. Seeker Dawnstar's second trinemate. Rebellious, outgoing, and talkative. Semi-Traditional - Dominant third in trine - Full Trine - 4 creations.

Seeker Eclipse: (Appears in Spurius) Black and turquoise Seeker. Seeker Dawnstar's first trinemate. Aggressive, firm, deliberate, protective, and strict. Traditional - Dominant second in trine - Full Trine - 4 creations.

Seeker Hypersonic: (Appears in Spurius) Kind, gentle, loving, modest, and caring. Always looking out what's best for others. Trined to Seeker Starblade and another Seeker. Non-Traditional - Submissive - Full Trine - 5 creations.

Seeker Whirlwind: (Appears in Spurius) Son of Seeker Starblade and Seeker Hypersonic. Great-grandson of Seeker Starscream. Seen only when a sparkling.

Seeker Turbojet: (Appears in Spurius) Black and white Seeker who trines Seeker Starstreak and another Seeker. Non-Traditional - Submissive - Full Trine - 4 creations.

Seeker Stormbreaker: (Appears in Spurius) A young Seeker who wishes to take the Alpha position from Starscream. Son of Seeker Hotlink and Seeker Bitstream (carrier). Is a brat but also brilliant, taking after his creators. Gets two Seeker femmes as trinemates. Traditional - Trineleader - Full Trine - 18 creations.

Seeker Firestorm: (Appears in Spurius) Red and orange Seeker. Son of Seeker Sunstorm (carrier) and Seeker Hotlink. Trines Seeker Moonlight and another Seeker. Semi-Traditional - Dominant second in trine - Full Trine - 3 creations.

Seeker Wildfire: (Appears in Spurius) Son of Seeker Sunstorm (carrier) and Seeker Hotlink. Seen when 2 stellar cycles old.

Seeker Solarflare: (Appears in Spurius) Son of Seeker Sunstorm (carrier) and Seeker Hotlink. Seen when 7 stellar cycles old.

Seeker Firewall: (Appears in Spurius) Son of Seeker Bitstream (carrier) and Seeker Hotlink. Seen when 18 stellar cycles old.

Seeker Airstrike: (Appears in Spurius) Son of Seeker Bitstream (carrier) and Seeker Hotlink. Seen when 24 stellar cycles old.

Seeker Starfire: (Appears in Illicitus) Accidental creation of Seeker Starscream (carrier) and Skyfire. Very loving and protective of his carrier. Idolizes Starscream. Brave, dominant, and feisty.

Seeker Skyblade: (Appears in Illicitus) Mentally disabled son of Seeker Starscream (carrier) and Skyfire. Sweet, kind, loves his carrier, and wants to be like everyone else. Curious about the world, but scared of it. Twin brother of Seeker Aurora.

Seeker Aurora: (Appears in Illicitus) Sickly daughter of Seeker Starscream (carrier) and Skyfire. Twin sister of Seeker Skyblade.

Sponson: (Appears in Spurius) Flier sparkling adopted by Seeker Starscream and Skyfire.

Silverstorm: (Appears in Filia) Empty grounder who seduces Seeker Dawnstar. Syk addict, femmenizer, rapists, criminal, scumbag.

Shatterblade: (Appears in Invictus and Spurius) Rapes Seeker Dawnstar and sparks her with Starstreak in Uraya. Decepticon, rapists, femmenizer, heavy drinker, criminal, scumbag.

Silversteel: (Appears in Spurius) Empty grounder who gives Starstreak information.

Amethyst: (Appears in Filia) Empty, grounder prostitute that Seeker Starscream enjoys getting service from.

Daemon: (Appears in Spurius) Bitstream's turbofox. Larger, sweet, obedient, playful, well-trained.


Dike: (Appears in Spurius) Bitstream's turbofox. Mellow, quiet, likes to recharge on Bitstream's lap.

Attitude Adjustment: Multi-tailed energy whip Megatron had specially made in order to punish Starscream once the Seeker began to get use to the beatings. Tears into metal much quicker than other energy whips, and stings terribly with the extra electrical surge it gives.


🟡List of Some Seeker Vows

List of Some Seeker Vows:

All Seeker vows end with this: "This I swear to you, my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one... Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my brother, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none."

Starscream: "You are mine, and I am yours. I will be true to you and only you. To love you, to cherish you, to be faithful, honorable, courageous, generous, kind, loving, understanding, and humble. To be yours through the hard times, as well as the easy. To pick you up when you are hurt, to support you when you are struggling, to lead you through the darkness, to help you in your direst joor. To be your foundation of hope, love, and peace. To never surrender when you need me to fight by your side against any and all enemies. To defend you even when there is no hope. To never flee, to never cower, to never hide. To be everything you ever needed in a friend, a lover, a brother. To be yours and only yours. To fly by your side until no more, and to never betray your trust. To never falter. This I swear to you, my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one. Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my brother, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none."

Thundercracker: "I swear to you, upon this cycle, that I will always be faithful, respectful, patient, understanding, kind, caring, and above all else yours. To be your protector, your best friend, your brother, your sword and your shield. To never falter, to never flee, to face the hard times by your side. To fight for you, carry you when you fall, kill if need be. To be the trinemate you deserve, and always try my best to be worthy of your love. To never, ever let you be alone and scared. To fly with you though hell, and never leave your side even as the world burns around us. It will protect you, care for you, and never lead you astray. I will cry with you, laugh with you, and always be yours. I am your pillar of strength, your light in the darkness, your guiding servo when you are lost. I will listen to all your troubles, and do my best to help you through them. I will be your lover, your friend, your partner in all things. This I swear to you, my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one. Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my brother, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none."

Skywarp: "I am your brother, your friend. I will be faithful, kind, courageous, strong, and caring. I will carry you when you are weak, defend you from the terrors of this world, and fight for you until my spark fades. I will guide you through the darkness, make you laugh when you are sad, and fly beside you until the sun fades away. I am forever yours, your accomplice, your lover, your teacher, your student. To grow with you, care for you, cheer for you, and cry with you. Always yours, until my spark is no more. This I swear to you my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one. Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my brother, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none."

Starblade: "I will be kind, patient, humble, brave, faithful, and always yours. I will fight your enemies, defend you from all the horrors of this world, and never abandon you. I will carry you when you are weak, fly with you though hell, and never leave your side even as the world burns around us. It will protect you, care for you, and never lead you astray. I will cry with you, laugh with you, and always be yours. I am your pillar of strength, your light in the darkness, your guiding servo when you are lost. I will listen to all your troubles, I will be patient, kind, and humble. I will be your lover, your friend, your partner in all things. This I swear to you, my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one... Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my brother, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none."

Bitstream - "I will be humble, I will be patient, I will be kind. I will be by your side in battle, in love, in peace. I will be your best friend in the darkness and light. Your brother until no more. Your protector, your lover, your friend, your accomplice, your helper, your guide, your teacher, your student, and the listener to all your troubles. This I swear to you, my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one. Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my sister, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none."

Nightstrike - I am your brother... Your friend... Your guardian, your foundation of strength. I will be your light in the darkness, your guide through the wilderness, your accomplish, hero, teacher, and student. I will be with you through all the hell of the world, through the good times and the bad. I will listen to all your troubles and give you none, and always be faithful. This I swear to you, my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one... Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my brother, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none."

Elevon - "I am forever yours, faithful, caring, kind courteous, brave, and strong. I will carry you when you are weak, fight for you when you are hurt, defend you from all evils of this world, and kill for you if need be. To fly by your side into the fading sun. I am your friend, your partner, your lover, your brother, your accomplice, your teacher, and your student. To grow with you, care for you, cheer for you, and cry with you. Always yours, until my spark is no more. This I swear to you my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one. Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my sister, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none.

Hotlink - I swear to you, upon this cycle, that I will ever be faithful, respectful, patient, understanding, kind, and above all else yours. To be your protector, your best friend, your brother, your sword and your shield. To never falter, to never flee, to face the hard times by your side. To fight for you, carry you when you fall, kill if need be. To be the trinemate you deserve, and always try my best to be worthy of your love. To never, ever let you be alone and scared. For now and always. This I swear to you, my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one... Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my sister, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none."

Sunstorm: "Before Primus, I take this vow, that for now and always I am yours. Faithful, honorable, courageous, generous, kind, loving, and understanding. To be yours through the hard times as well as the easy. To carry you when you are weak, to support you when you are struggling, to lead you through the darkness, to help you in your direst joor. To be your foundation of hope, love, and peace. To never surrender when you need me, to fight by your side against any and all enemies, to defend you even when there is no hope. To never flee, to never cower, to never hide. To be everything you ever needed in a friend, a lover, a brother. To be yours and only yours. To be your trinemate. This I swear to you my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one. Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my sister, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none."

Hypersonic: "You are mine, and I am yours. I will be true to you and only you. I will guard you from the dangers of this world, guide you through your troubles, carry you when you fall, and never abandon you. I will hold you, love you, grow with you, cry with you, and celebrate with you. I will be your sword and shield, your accomplice, student, and teacher. I will never flee, never hurt you, never lie to you, and never bring you dishonor. Forever I shall stay faithful, humble, kind, loving, patient, strong, and loyal to you. This I swear to you, my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one. Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my brother, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none."

Eclipse: "I swear to you, upon this cycle, that I will ever be faithful, respectful, patient, understanding, kind, and above all else yours. To be your protector, your best friend, your brother, your sword and your shield. To never falter, to never flee, to face the hard times by your side. To fight for you, carry you when you fall, kill if need be. To be the trinemate you deserve, and always try my best to be worthy of your love. To never, ever let you be alone and scared. For now and always. This I swear to you, my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one... Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my sister, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none."

Dawnstar: "I will be humble, I will be patient, I will be kind. I will be by your side in battle, in love, in peace. I will be your best friend in the darkness and light. Your sister until no more. Your protector, your lover, your friend, your accomplice, your helper, your guide, your teacher, your student, and the listener to all your troubles. This I swear to you, my new part. My completed spark. Together we are, forever unseparated, united through hell, we are one... Trine till the bitter end. This I swear to you, my trinemate, my brother, my friend. My life, my spark, we are one, till we are none."


🟢Character Bios for A Prince of Vos and A King of Ash

Character Bios for A Prince of Vos and A King of Ash:

(See past about Skycutter, Turbine, and Flare in Chapter 29 of A Prince of Vos.)

Skycutter: Alpha, mech, trined to Turbine and Flare, longest ruling Alpha for 13 1/2 vorns. Expanded Vos' infrastructure, created affordable housing for thousands, helped grounders in the city, grew the space port to increase imports and exports giving jobs to thousands, gave Vos better independency, a better education system and healthcare, and helped remove Functionists from the city.

His carrier is Overshoot and sire is Banshee. Had no Shanix and grew up in filth, and often without energon for orbital cycles.

Had 946 creations, 21,252 grandcreations, and 488,797+ great-grandcreations. Had 38 breeding mates, and18 brothers and sisters.

Loved his trinemates, loved his creations deeply and pampered them best he could, and very protective of his breeding mates. Very strict traditional. Known to be kinky in the berth and had a lot of orgies with his breeding mates and trinemates. Always was eager for a frag.

Turbine: Dominant, mech, trined to Skycutter and Flare. Helped Vos achieve cleaner energy, waste management, recycling, and construction of more space vessels factories to give more jobs.

Turbine was a twin, but his twin sister died from a virus when only 3 decacycles old. He always felt like he was missing part of his spark from losing her. Was outgoing at school competed in sports, and liked to swim.

Had 16 creations, 243 grandcreations, and 2,880 great-grandcreations. Has 13 brothers and sisters. Strict with his creations, but loved them dearly.

A little rough and strict, but loving and protective of his trinemates. Met his trinemates at War Academy.

Flare: Submissive, mech, trined to Skycutter and Turbine. Helped start private schools, and sparkling hunger, feeding those who couldn't afford energon. Ensured all sparklings in Vos had datapads, cleaning supplies, toys, and an education. Built shelters and helped rescues saving strays. Taught creations and other sparklings to respect and love animals.

Was raised a single creation with many pets due to being an accident long after his siblings had moved out and began their own families.

Had 18 creations, 257 grandcreations, and 3,276 great-grandcreations. Has 10 siblings. Adores his creations, very gentle, quiet, loved everyone. most likely to go non-traditional.

Met Skycutter when 17 stellar cycles and Skycutter was 19 stellar cycles at a mutual friend's emergence cycle party. After Skycutter became of age he waited for Flare to also be old enough. The two immediately trined once Flare was kicked out of his creators' trine.


Known Breeding Mates and Known Creations of Those Breeding Mates (As Well as Trinemates) of Alpha Skycutter:

(Femmes italicized.)

Turbine - Tarmac, Torque, Turbulence

Flare - Skymaster, Aura, Daybreak, Monsoon

Skyraider - Thunderstreak, Tailslide, Windraider

Nightstrike - Nightfury, Dogfight, Nightflight

Hypersonic - Stormrunner. Thunderflash, Starblaster

Sweepback - Lightning, Pitchback, Take Off

Hailstorm - Thunderbolt, Whirlwind, Stratus, Windstorm

Ventral - Shadow, Vector, Nightfall

Nebula - Eclipse, Combat

Windraider - Starsabre, Overshoot

Cinder - Stormbreaker, Strike, Firestorm

Galaxy - Celestial, Nimbus, Cirrus

Starblade - Strikeblade, Wingblade, Morningstar

Phantom - Starlight, Windrider, Aurora, Nightwatch

Nova - Eclipse, Ghost, Typhoon

Moonlight - Nacreous, Quickstrike, Starscream, Rainstorm, Overcast, Hellfire, Streamline, Chandelle

Tessen - Skystrike, Windspeed, Snowstorm, Silverwing

Razorwing - Blizzard, Strafe, Wraith


Other Seekers:

Airstrike: Alpha before Skycutter.

Maelstrom: Submissive to Nacreous, Starscream's full brother.

Stardust: Submissive to Nacreous, Starscream's full brother.

Skylight: Creation of Maelstrom and Nacreous.

Steelwing: Thundercracker's sire, trineleader of Borealis and Gale.

Borealis: Thundercracker's carrier.

Gale: Thundercracker's uncle, trinemate to Borealis and Steelwing.

Darkstorm: One of Thundercracker's full brothers.

Solarstrike: Skywarp's uncle, trineleader to Overcast and Powerlash.

Overcast: Skywarp's carrier, in love with Lightspeed.

Powerlash: Trinemate to Overcast and Solarstrike, Skywarp's uncle.

Ash: Trineleader of Lightspeed and Tailslide, Skywarp's uncle.

Lightspeed: Skywarp's sire, in love with Overcast.

Tailslide: Trinemate of Ash and Lightspeed, Skywarp's uncle.

Banshee: Skycutter's sire, trineleader to Overshoot.

Overshoot: Skycutter's carrier, trinemate to Banshee.

Asperitas: Captain of the Royal Guard, advisor to the Alpha, single Seeker, hardcore badass, takes good care of the Elite Trine, the breeding mates, and the Alpha's creations. Oversees all regarding the safety of the palace, and the behavior and training of guards.

Fireflight: General for the Alpha.

Silverstorm: General for the Alpha.

Astral: Economic advisor for the Alpha.

Hurricane: Accountant for the Alpha.

Rainfall: General and public relations advisor for the Alpha.

Noctilucent: Very old Seeker, wise one, advisor for the Alpha.

Ricochet: Moonlight's original trineleader.

Deluge: Trinemate to Ricochet, Moonlight's original trinemate.

Fallstreak: First traditional trineleader to go non-traditional thanks to Starscream's activism.

Fusillade: Dawn's trineleader.

Destiny: Dawn's first daughter.

Arcus: Trineleader for Tempest and Salvo.

Salvo: Trinemate to Tempest and Arcus.

Vertigo: Grandson of Starscream's, creation of Tempest and Arcus.

Elevon: Royal Seeker Guard.

Starscream's Creations: Zephyr, Dawn, Tempest, Rogue, Starlight, Strikeblade, Windspeed.

Skywarp's Creations: Storm, Skyblast, Strikeblade, Windspeed., Luna.

Thundercracker Sires: Zephyr, Storm, Dawn, Skyblast, Tempest, Rogue, Starlight, and Luna.


Non-Seeker Characters:

Brakelight: Starscream's sparklinghood rapist.

Gearshift: Starscream's sparklinghood best friend, and friend through adulthood.

Fascia: Gearshift's Conjunx Endura.

Offroad: One of Gearshift's grandcreations.

Crystal: Starscream's first teacher.

Blaze: Storm's Conjunx Endura.

Sierra: Cyberdog Starscream's trine adopts. Zephyr keeps when she moves out.

Airlock: Lawyer who defend Thundercracker.

Magnum: Skyfire's carrier, shuttle.

Oilspill: Skyfire's sire, tanker.

Scarlett: Zephyr's teacher who confronts Starscream about his abuse.

Crimson: Zephyr's teacher who gives Starscream card to help escape abuse.

Plumeria: Zephyr's school friend.

Halo: Zephyr's school friend.

Floret: Zephyr's school friend.

Halo: Zephyr's school friend.

Tidewater: Plumeria's carrier, friend of Starscream's.

Trailpoint: Halo's carrier, friend of Starscream's.

Burnout: Floret's carrier, friend of Starscream's.

Powerline: Carrier of Pearl, friend of Starscream's.

Gunsmoke: Elderly neighbor in apartment building where Starscream's trined lived in, in Iacon. Sparkling-sat Seekerlets. Conjunx Endura to Silvertone.

Silvertone: Elderly neighbor in apartment building where Starscream's trined lived in, in Iacon. Sparkling-sat Seekerlets. Conjunx Endura to Gunsmoke.

Daemon: Bitstream's turbofox.

Dike: Bitstream's turbofox.


🟠Unused Seeker Names

Unused Seeker Names:

Sponson, Astral, Stellar, Virga, Incus, Immelmann, Jade, Cloudburst, Torrent, Salvo, Volley, Barrage, Lunar, Bitwing, Impetus, Tornado, Fury, Redflame, Shadowstrom, Deadfall,Thunderstrike, Thunderbblast, Hail. Oblivion

Add-on names words:


Burst, blast, rain, stream, blaze, surge.

Unused Grounder Names:

Cruise Control, Camshaft, Crankshaft, Diesel, Petrol, Gudgeon, Piston, Turbocharge, Tappet, Gasket, Muffler, Axle, Spindle, Shock, Gearstick, Fender, Ignition, Nitro, Berserket


Jetsam, Flotsam, Scream, Phage, Riot, Lasher, Agony, Venom, Carnage, Broadside, Blossom, Hope, Willow, Faith, Grace,

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