I Like My Gay Robots Cussing
I like my gay robots calling each other "bitches" and "son-of-a-bitch," and other such things.
(Also, Rodimus says "son-of-a-bitch," so... That has to do with reproduction since son is, well, reproduction. And in issue #26 or so of More Than Meets the Eye Rodimus also said that the "quantum engines are purring like a turbofox in heat!" And then Getaway talked about red scraplets being able to reproduce in an earlier issue of Lost Light.
But yet, we have them confirm they cannot sexually reproduce in Drift: Empire of Stone, and in an earlier Lost Light issue where Scorponok talks about trying to give their species a means of reproduction to save their species.
So, if turbofoxes and scraplets are having babies and are also Cybertronian fauna/Transformers, then why can't the other Cybertronians do the same? Like, Ravage is recognized as being a cybercat, a type of fauna, but also he is a "normal" Cybertronian who can speak neocybex and change alt. modes. And turbofoxes have been observed also changing their body to transform as well as speak neocybex. So, the lines are blurred between these different Cybertronian species. They are all basically in the same biological "kingdom" (as example, mammals are all a kingdom who have differences, but all share certain similarities). So, if they are in the same kingdom and some species can, supposedly as suggested, sexually reproduce, why aren't all Cybertronians able to instead of having to rely on hotspots to produce more sparks? Or to have to use the Matrix to create sparks as what happened with creating Starscream, Ravage, and many others?
And why do I think so much about these things?)