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Why I, a Vegan, am a Decepticon

(Published Mar 14, 2021)

Before I begin this, let me explain the definitions of these two terms. Veganism: A lifestyle that seeks to cause as little harm as possible to all life. This means not to consume animal products, pay for things from animals, nothing from human slaves, nor entertainment or products that have caused harm, death, rape, or abuse to any life. But rather to treat all lives as our equals. Veganism is not a religion, but a lifestyle of peace and equality. Decepticonism: According to the IDW comics, Decepticons were originally founded by Megatron of Tarn to fight the Functionism and corrupt Senate of Cybertron by bringing peace ad equality to everyone despite how they may look (alt mode). Sounds similar enough already! Veganism is about peace and treating others as equals, even if they are a different species. Non-human animals feel and think. They are all sentient, feel pain, are terrified of being killed, beg for their lives, solve problems, and love their friends and babies. With Decepticons we see them embracing this some philosophy of treating others as equals despite how they may look. Functionists (specieists/racists) view the "animal" Cybertronians as "dumb" and "lesser," just as carnisst view non-human animals believing they are "meant to be eaten" or otherwise exploited because they are "not us." In the comics Soundwave even remarks his surprise when Megatron treats Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, and Ravage as equals rather than "dumb animals." Very few Cybertronians see these different looking beings as equals, making those who do see they are equal the "extreme" ones. Just as carnists view vegans. Most Decepticons are animal-formers, from the Predacons, Terrorcons, many of the cassettes, etc. Showing more of this belief of wanting equality for those who don't look like one specific species. The original method of fighting against the Functionists was peaceful protests, leafletting, and Megatron's polemics. Which is exactly what vegan activists do. Just as Martin Luther King Jr. did (whose entire family became vegan due to the connection between animal and human rights). Megatron near the end of the IDW comics rejected all violence, becoming vegan despite his fall, which is important as most of us have been brainwashed and fell too, buying animal products and supporting immense cruelty, but finding our way again when we become vegans. Vegans are very proud of being a vegan because we know that we are not harming others. It's wonderful knowing no one died or was raped or imprisoned in order for us to live. So, yes, we are happy to say we are vegan because it's the same as saying you are happy to not be a slave owner or happy to not be beating a child to death. We are happy to be helping others. Throughout all Transformers media we see Decepticons proudly earning their Decepticon badges and never have anyone take that from them. While the Autobots always lose their badges when someone takes it away from them. Decepticons also use part of their spark casing to create their badge, symbolizing how they are Decepticons throughout, their spark and all. Just as when you truly become vegan it's a soul change, not just a diet change or not buying a few things you used to. It's a lifestyle change of accepting harsh truths and living to be better for others and yourself. Of course, Megatron becomes corrupt and goes from wanting equality to wanting world domination, and slaughtering everyone who gets in his way. But many Decepticons hold onto the true meaning of being a Decepticon. And of course it's Soundwave and Thundercracker we see who are being kind and protective of animals, not any Autobots! To learn more about veganism, the science, animal cruelty, etc. Please check out my educational website!


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