I Made the News!
(Published Oct 30, 2020)
Well, sort of. I was on the news as I attended a protest against Exxon still giving money to cruel sled dog racing.
To learn more about sled dog cruelty and what you can do to help these dogs who are exploited and abused just as race horses and greyhounds, see these:
The dogs used for this "sport" are abused just like dogs and horses are abused for racing. They are kept in isolation, tied to barrels and poorly made dog houses with no human interaction except for when they are racing or being trained. The dogs live on short chains with frozen waterbowls, in their own filth, and no bedding in the freezing cold. Sometimes, polar bears or other large predators have killed the dogs. Dogs are bred for this and those who cannot run, refuse to, or are disabled are killed. They also die during the race, many sick, some attacked by wildlife, even broken legs. It's absolutely horrific what these innocent dogs go through because of greed. No different than the greed that drives other unnecessary cruel industries like meat, dairy, racing, circuses, etc. There's some more info on the cruelty to the dogs here: https://helpsleddogs.org/iditarod-dog-kennel-horrors-extreme-neglect-and-dog-abuse/
Another: https://www.peta.org/features/these-reasons-why-the-iditarod-race-should-be-terminated-will-leave-you-outraged/https://aldf.org/article/commercialized-cruelty-to-sled-dogs/
Companies cutting ties with sled dog racing due to the cruelty: https://www.livekindly.co/alaska-airlines-iditarod-husky-dog-race/